
Cinema Exhibition Slideshow

Chene Harris Media Studies Cinema Exhibition slideshow

creating suspense #2

Creating Suspense #2 Chene Harris  Media Studies 

audiences and institutions

Chene Harris Media Studies Audiences and Institutions Work ACTIVITY 1; 1. WHAT ARE TWO DIFFERENT FINANCIAL MODELS THAT DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS         ARE BASED ON? leasing  profit sharing 2. DESCRIBE WHAT THEY BOTH ENTAIL: leasing is when the distributor pays a certain amount for the rights to lease their film, (distribute their film) Profit-sharing is simply just the percentage of what the distributor gets once the film gets distributed e.g: 15% 3. WHAT ARE ANCILLARY RIGHTS? Ancillary rights: are the rights that the film gets to everything being put into the film such as the soundtrack this may also include distributing the film onto a VHS or a DVD disc, etc. 4.  WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF THE FIRM'S 'OPENING' AND WHAT FACTORS ARE                 TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT WHEN MAKING DECISIONS ABOUT A FILM'S OPENING?  'opening' is the first or 'official' debut of the film. These factors are taken into consideration w

Representation essay “breaking bad”

Chené Harris Media Studies  Representation Essay Breaking Bad All I could get done within the time limit given, Can add more if need be (without being marked)

Representation essay “when they see us”

Chené Harris Media studies Representation Essay “When they see us”

CCR Foundation portfolio

CCR QUESTIONS PT3 CHENE HARRIS QUESTION 1: QUESTION 2: QUESTION 3:                                         QUESTION 4: