Representation essay “breaking bad”

Chené Harris
Media Studies 
Representation Essay
Breaking Bad

All I could get done within the time limit given,
Can add more if need be (without being marked)


  1. Hi Chene

    Overall Score: 21/50

    Terminology: 5/10
    Analysis/ Argument:7/20
    Examples: 11/20

    Hey Chene, not a bad effort but we need to refine your essay-writing skills to really hit it in the exam! For the next one, I need you to practise getting every detail you wrote down in the notes, into a paragraph.
    You don't need to take up time explaining simple things like the fact that location is part of mise-en-scene and one of the 4 technical areas. That is a given. We assume you understand that.

    You made some good observations but I just need to see you explaining them in terms of the argument you're making. You mention that you see males and one is superior or that there is ' 'supremacy' (I think you meant heirarchy) between them. You need to make more in-depth analysis of what is represented here. How are men usually represented? Does this keep in line with the usual stereotypes or does it challenge stereotypes? What about age? Your argument needs to be a lot clearer and able to be said in one sentence.

    Let's get together one day soon and chat this through.


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